
Day in the Life

I have work in an hour, I think it’s in Electronics, I will be aiding in the mid day rush. Tomorrow I open and help with ad put up, it will be a busy morning, I hear Wii’s are going to be in the ad, which means we should have some in, so everyone will be rushing in to buy one. It’s been out for over a year and is still the hottest item out there. Its crazy. I ran all the pictures through the script, so they are all there now, there are a number that don’t generate thumbnails, I need to try and figure out why those particular pictures don’t, but I am at a loss, there is no real reason, I guess they just don’t copy. I am going to eventually get around to modifying the styling for all browsers, Opera will only be a handful of modifications, IE has a number I need to figure out because of it’s ignorance of inline blocks. And Safari is just a mess, it doesn’t even display the navbar correctly. sigh I just want to go to Japan, I really do nothing around here other than mess around on my computer and work. I will probably spend the two days I have off this coming week trying to pump out hunks of code for the site. Maybe get the poll running or add the extra stuff to the gallery. Or maybe I will just be burnt out and end up watching movies or tv all day shrug who knows…