
dead week

So its dead week. That means stuffs going down and coming to an end. I have finals in all four of my classes. Spread randomly across next week. I have to deal with the grades coming out this week and finding out my fate in the classes I am taking. I have a report still to do tomorrow and then I begin with my first psych course. sigh I am going to spend some time this week and next going through all my drives and reorganizing and renaming all the files, something I have desperately needed to do for a year or two. Then I can go through the program files and try to clear space up. Then I can hopefully put Windows on this small computer I have and hook it up to the TV, so I can play computer video on the TV, along with trying to play ROMs on it and such. That will probably be done after break however. I also need to find some time to sit down and wrap up Duck Hunt, then I will probably post pictures of it and also record a video for the professor in that course demonstrating my project. I also have been working through ideas for a redesign of this site. I drew one idea up that looked good in photoshop, but recreating it in HTML and CSS has brought up sub-par results. I will probably be adding entries from Hawaii, but that depends on my access to the internet and if I can keep this server running over break. I may end up dragging it home with me to keep it going, we shall see…

I should probably get back to work on my report. I will probably be adding a lot more entries this coming week as I procrastinate.