

Alright, I haven’t slept yet, I have an exam in 2 hours, I have been studying for it since 10 last night. I hope I do well. This is my 7th finals week here at Purdue (its scary) and it doesn’t seem that bad. I’ve done this all before, my grades are all in decent spots, so none of my finals are really crucial to survival, worst case scenario with them is I get a C probably. I still study and prepare for it, but it isn’t one of those frantic races that I had to experience with some of my other courses, the ones where the final was cumulative and worth 50% of my grade. This first final is just a regular exam covering the last third of the course and its Psych, so I just have to memorize a bunch of information. I plan on getting to the exam in an hour (give me an hour to mentally prepare for it), take the exam in probably about half an hour (45 multiple choice questions based off of memorization doesn’t take very long) then stumble back to my room and crash. Then I have two days off until my two Thursday finals.

I was in the school paper on Friday, I may try and scan the little blurb sometime and post it, but that would first require a scanner. It was just a question I was asked in the Union about what I was going to do for break. Nothing important, I wasn’t super excited about being in the paper. shrug Well I better cram a few more facts into my sleep deprived head before I have to head out.