
hawaii morning

So we shall be departing from our house in about 3 and a half hours. I am still awake because my sleep cycle sucks so much it is about as far off good as it can possibly be for this, or as close to depending on how you look at it. I have most of my stuff packed up and I am just sitting around in my bed burning time before I need to get up and get ready to travel across the country. Hopefully, because I can’t sleep now, I will be able to crash for a lot of the flight and wake up in sunny paradise, far, far away from homework and exams.

I have been stressing about grades for a while now. I just don’t know about the outcome for my 437 class or where the curve lies in my psych course. I am just hoping that they turn out fine, I really don’t want to find out what happens if I have to retake either. I hope that the place we stay has internet, else I will be in a very odd position, since I am rarely away from the internet for more than a few hours, or at most a day. I will also need to be around when grades are released so that I can figure out if I should be panicking, crying, or relieved. I just hope it all goes alright. I put a lot of effort into this semester and if it turns out shitty, I will be pretty down.

I should probably get back to watching more House for now.