
home tomorrow

So I shall be going home tomorrow (more like later today). I am not sure if I will be sleeping tonight or how long it may be. But I am looking forward to getting home and seeing my family and home. This will be among the last days I will be sleeping in that house when it is my home. This May I should be moving out and becoming gasp an adult. sigh I am sadly not prepared mentally for it just yet. I still want to enjoy parts of life a little more. I am not sure I feel completely ready to make that step for super responsibility. I am sure I will be come May, but knowing that my life is going to make that transition to being an adult is tough, because I can never go back. I may not want to, but being apprehensive is natural I guess. Oh well, I plan on raiding my parent’s music collection when I get home. I’ve fallen into more of a classic but great rock stage. I am currently listening to some Elvis Costello, and will probably go through and pick some more bands to put into my circulation… I haven’t really expanded my music collection much these past two years… I really need to try and stretch my legs again, I’m getting old and sticking to the same old stuff and not being young and musically adventurous any more :3. Well, I should get back to coding, I have to try and get a big chunk of coding done tonight and tomorrow so that my next two weeks isn’t complete and utter hell, just a milder, lighter, low-calorie form of hell.