

So I have pretty much wrapped up the C++ Breakout. It runs flawlessly for now. C++ really is a fantastic language compared to Java. It runs smoothly, isn’t spazzy or jumpy, doesn’t stall. I also have Duck Hunt ready for networking. I hope to get that part from my partner by sometime today so that I can start testing getting the different modes to all work together. I will hopefully post either the compiled code or the source for people who want to mess with the games. I need to sit down and run through these few easy labs still. It all looks very easy for me now, since I really get these two languages real well.

We gave up trying to finish the dual core last night. It just is impossible to get it done in time. We were tracking signals for two hours to fix one bug, which then uncovered another, so two hours later, fixed and bam another bug. So we decided to cut our losses and try to get as many points as we could. It looks like most of the class is doing the same. Now I need to wrap up these programming assignments and labs to polish off this stuff. And the final effort will be on a Psych paper and an ECE report during dead week. Then finals week and finally HAWAII. I need to stop thinking about that, I think I’ve been doing a good job and have gotten very far in my work this week. Even though I have to admit that it didn’t take as long as I thought, mostly because the languages have become very easy for me. Now time to get Breakout ready for my partner. He is really lucking out, I have basically done everything for him, he just gets to add some small joke of a feature and he gets credit. I should just be an ass and finish it myself and take credit.