
Long Time

Its been a week since I last posted anything, I’ve been turned down on a few of the resume submissions, even the one that called me asking to submit my resume… I should just stop getting my hopes up this semester. I’ve got an exam in the morning, hopefully it goes better than the one I had today… long story. Frisbee intramurals start on Sunday, I hope we can get far. Its nice to get into frisbee again. I plan on attending a few tournaments with these guys, a few friends are playing with me too, so it has turned into a big part of my weekly life. I’m getting into shape, and its fun at the same time. I look forward to going out every other day and spending two hours competing in the game. I missed it for so long…

I’ve got like 10 weeks left and then one last semester. I need a job by then, a place to stay, and a gameplan. I just don’t think I’m ready or am going to find a way to succeed in that time. I’m going to be scraping by just to get an interview late into the spring semester. I have talked to numerous companies, applied to many of them, and have been getting turned down left and right. I just can’t get past the paper part of it. My friends are all getting interviews, even if its with companies I have no interest in. This streak of lack of success is really losing any optimism or hope I had going into this. I fear I will end up with a crap ass job that I will care little about and just end up rotting there for 40 years of my life… I want to enjoy a job, and I don’t want to have to worry about one right up until graduation. SOMEONE HIRE ME!