
Server Online

I am going to be moving this server downstairs and putting it online today, after I mow that lawn that is. I have been rushing through and tried to finish most of the preliminary coding. There is a lot of AJAX behind the look and I am going to be taking the scriptaculous and prototype libraries and try to strip them down to just the functions that I need, to drop my bandwidth footprint. I will probably start working on the technology section sometime when I get to school. I am unsure of a few things I may be doing with it. I am probably going to step back from a lot of the coding once I get this online because I have been losing interest with all the work I have done on it. I guess interest is a bad choice of words, I would say I have been running out of creativity.

I would love any comments you have on the design, so please leave some, and have a look around, the gallery albums will be populated at some point when I decide to add the last bit of the code to the python script.