
Week Down

So I’ve finished off the first week of my final year. I have been out enjoying friends, doing social things (something I didn’t do all summer), and otherwise trying to make senior year the best year. I am starting to try and play frisbee, as long as my back doesn’t begin to complain. Its been over a year since my last surgery, and I figure living in fear won’t help, getting out and getting into shape as soon as I can will keep me in shape for a lot longer. I hopefully will be able to uphold all these things throughout the semester. I need to go out sometime this week and get something to wear to breakfast club. Hopefully this week goes fast, I already got out of a day of classes with Labor Day. I think I am going to run out of money this year. I don’t get that reliable paycheck over Christmas break unless I work a few days. I need to see what I can do, probably the spending will drop in a month when I burn more time with classwork, but for now, I am able to manage all the stuff fine. Well so much for my rambling, there really isn’t much coherent organization or division to all that, just long rambling, sorry.