

So I’ve been working the past week and probably will be working the next week as well. I basically built the base of Pac Man the past three days, I will have to get Breakout ready for Greg and polish off the other projects in the next few days. Then I just have to do the labs and the final project, which may mean I have a long night on Thursday of next week =. I still need to sit down and work out the last of the multi-core and hopefully get points for that. At some point in all this, I need to get shit together for Senior Design. But then I enter my final semester and in May I will be a Computer Engineer. sigh

I will probably post the finished Pac Man and Tetris in the next week or so, it depends on when we finish it and when I get around to deciding if I want to try and compile it into an exe or what =. At least the Java I can just make a jar… (nerd speak ends here). These projects are fun, I enjoy the challenge of finding an innovative and expandable way of implementing the games and then being able to add my own improvements and additional functionality. Like with Pac Man, I added wrapping a few hours ago, wrapping is what I call it when PacMan runs off one side of the screen and comes back in on the other side. It was kind of exciting, in a nerdy way.

I get to go in and talk to Exacq on Wednesday, I hope that goes well. I find them interesting and it looks like a fun place to work. I’ll have to put work on hold for a bit Tuesday night so that I can get some sleep before and not go in a zombie. I will probably get the big chunks of work in during the next day or two, get 462 almost done. Well, I better get back to code crunching =\