
long overdue

Okay, this is a very overdue entry and will have a ton of stuff left out probably… So I’m going to bang right through a number of things that have gone on since the last entry… I went to Boston on a business trip, it was interesting to be frank. Kim came down here for Thanksgiving. I bought a couch, a vacuum cleaner, and get my coffee table on Wednesday. I have continued working and my major project is rolling out in the next month-ish (?) so I have a lot I need to polish at work over the next few weeks. Christmas is coming up and I still need to finish my shopping. I am cooking for myself and will probably upload photos from my experience sometime. The fall frisbee season ends this week and winter league begins in January. I’m going up to Purdue on Friday to pick Kim up and bring her down for the office Holiday party on Saturday. The Colts are 13-0 and I got to see them become 12-0. I have been trying a ton of different beers, maybe I will set up a photo of all the bottles I have collected thus far. My dad’s birthday is today and I am going out with my parents to celebrate that. I would talk about his gift on here but I know he is one of the few people who occasionally read it (even though I update it so infrequently, but I am going to make it my resolution to update more often). Kim and I have been dating for 22 months and a handful of days. I am eyeing toys that I will probably get around to buying now that I am pretty caught up in apartment necessities. And that concludes the random, fast paced, montage that I have neglected writing about for a while…