
new monitor

So I had been using my two monitors a lot and was constantly feeling starved for desktop space. I would be juggling 5 or 6 windows on the two displays, throwing windows back and forth and getting generally lost where each window was. I finally decided I wanted to get the monitor I had been eyeing for a while, a 27” widescreen LCD. I was gifted enough to get free overnight shipping, but didn’t know (in my lack of experience with FedEx express) that I had to have someone sign for it. So I ended up driving to a Service Center to pick it up after work (I really wanted to play with it) and then dragged it back here and immediately hooked it up. It is glorious. I installed an application that lets me maximize windows to 1/2 the space of the big monitor and I put the two 17s in portrait on either side, so now I can have 4 windows open comfortably. It is great. I have my Firefox, IRC, Skype with Kim, and Foobar all open and visible. I had notepad, 2 browsers, and Foobar open earlier when I was doing some coding. I am really geeking out right now.

I need to build a small shelf to sit over my desk so I can put a lamp above the desk and mount my speakers above the monitors. Then I can probably de-clutter my desk some and really make it comfortable. I shall see. I think I may go after work tomorrow to scout the supplies at home depot, but the actual work may be next week, but who knows. I am getting pizza with my dad and sister tomorrow because she is in town for something. Then this weekend I am going to Purdue to see people. I will probably post more often in this now that I have moved it over to the awesome django code and have a majority of what I want in the control center section complete. Hopefully this entry goes through properly, I really don’t feel like debugging at this hour, I need to sleep >_>…