
probably should write one

I should probably write an entry as I have neglected adding one for a bit and I told myself that after I finished migrating everything over to django I would write more frequently. I have not been doing anything exciting. I am wrapping up the rewrite of the web interface I have worked on for my job and will hopefully be able to move on soon. I am not sure what is next for me, my coworker asked what was in line and I have no clue. I have had the ongoing task of helping the web side grow up into a major player rather than a side note. Now that it is much more useful (I now default to using it for checking things) and stable, I can go on to other things, but what?

The integration I worked on with a company may require that I travel to Boston to help them with it, which I actually don’t want to do that badly. I know, I should be excited to travel to Boston and get away from the office, but I just think there will be too much unpleasant things to make up for any of the good that will come of it. I will mostly be stuck troubleshooting any problems they have and trying to work around features or tasks they spur on me that I am not prepared for. Doug thought that both of us should probably go out there since we split the development pretty evenly, but I doubt that the higher ups will be pleased with that idea. So for now, I am just waiting around.

I got my sofa a few days ago and have finished mounting my shelf and the speakers to the underside so now it is very pleasant to use my computer :D. I have recently started to want to get into cooking to some degree (not like gourmet chef stuff) so that it wouldn’t be so daunting to want to make myself something to eat. I made some coconut rice last night, which turned out alright, I think that the recipe called for too much garlic and I over cooked it just a bit (not burnt but the rice in the corner of the pot was a bit brown, so a small % of the rice). I am debating trying to make some Japanese curry sometime, but I need to find places that sell all the ingredients. I would try and do these things on weekends, but I seem to be always busy on weekends, so I shall see where it goes.

I added commenting and RSS the other day, so comment away/subscribe to the feed. I may also try and incorporate some more fancy javascript through this. I have noticed an awful color discrepancy with Firefox 3.5, so I may try and fiddle with that as well.