
2 years

So two days ago at midnight (2/1 @ 0:00) my girlfriend and I reached our 2 year milestone. It has been a short 2 years and I really don’t see an end coming. It is almost weird that 2 years can feel so short and I almost feel like I am taking it for granted, because I just feel like there are a lot more years to come. I feel weird dwelling on it, I just like thinking about all that lies ahead for us. I love you sweetheart.

In other news… I have recently begun a possible redesign of this site. I will hopefully get a good chunk of it worked on through this week and toss it up sometime. I am still in the midst of mocking it up, but I am hopeful to have something together in the next week and have it usable by the time I go to New York with my girlfriend in March. I am also in the midst of planning a trip to Japan with my friend Devin. I am now able to save money primarily from my paychecks as I am all caught up on necessities for my apartment (or most of, I still need to get bedding). I also just finally updated my Windows 7 from RC to RTM, so it isn’t going to die in a month or whatever it is. I will probably spend a few hours now trying to polish off a mockup, but I doubt I will get it to a point where I am happy tonight, but hopefully sometime this week.