
I know, I know

I know, I have slacked on updating this for WAY too long. Most of the few (if any) who read this have spoken with me in the past few months. They know why I have postponed (read: slacked) updating this. I am now engaged and living with my fiancee. I went through a job hunt to move up here and then have been working hard at the new job since August. I have turned 25 (a big quarter of a century) and think I am in a pretty good place. I have not had any fast food or soda all year (check one for resolutions) but have pretty much died on working on Dominion. I think the issue with that was the complexity of the various actions of the game. My current project (read: ambition) is to rewrite the administrative side of this website and overhaul the codebase. I need to put it into version control, something I have talked about but never done. I will probably do that and then begin cleaning up much of the cowboy coded sections of the site. I will probably (hopefully) update this on the progress.

Okay, done with the mind dump. This will probably not be the last entry for another 6 months, so hopefully you return to read more. If not, shrug.