
great success

So I have been working on the rework of the journal side of the site on my development version (I get to carry it with me and work on the train commute very day, so much progress gets made). I have finished the first go through of the Journal stuff. Most of the desired functionality is there, have a few loose ends that may need tying up before I release it on the world. (I also need to spend some time and change old entries to use markdown). But it is super snazzy. I will probably wait on the last bits until the end of my development cycle.

I am moving onto doing all of the gallery stuff. This will be a lot more work in terms of infrastructure, I need to do the web services and admin stuff and then begin working on the frontend interface. I have the main “design” worked out, I just need to begin working on the implementation of all of it. The good news is that a lot of the framework that it will use has been written, so hopefully that won’t take any debugging. I do need to migrate the admin code over to use the new versions of some of the stuff. Reading through the admin code is painful after seeing some things I have fixed recently.