
new digs

So on Friday, I migrated my server from using Ubuntu 10.04 as the OS to Arch Linux. Even though Arch is not a distro aimed at stability, it is the distro I live in normally. I have grown to like a lot of the features of the OS (mostly that it doesn’t try to change the normal conventions of Linux) and it is much easier to work in because of this vanilla base. I am hoping to move some newer things into the site over time, like using LESS as the basis for my CSS. The Django stuff now uses WSGI and I may move from Apache to NGINX in time. I am going to try and fix up the Journal side of the admin stuff and then try to move onto rewriting the frontend of the site. I don’t know about redesigning it, but I will try and clean up a lot of the code base. I also need to move to using markdown in all my entries. That may be a project for next weekend.

In other news, we got our wedding bands this past weekend, so all that is left for us is to book the hotels and flights. The Grammy’s were last night (it was pretty weak IMHO) but I did discover a good band. It is this British folk band called Mumford & Sons, I have been listening to their album for the majority of the day, becoming quite the fan. Anyways, hopefully I can get to the frontend of this later this week.