
maintenance overdue

I will be reformatting and updating the main server this weekend. It has been pretty well neglected for the past few months as I have just had different priorities. With this change, I will be able to scratch off a few things from my TODO list that have been sitting there for a while. I also want to use this opportunity to reinforce the security on the system. Hopefully the system will only be down for a blip of time (I am hoping for under an hour) but I will also be moving over to using nginx as I have used it personally on my local machines and really like it.

In this migration, I will be abandoning (finally) the Django codebase and using the Jekyll code entirely. This means that this post, along with a number of other new posts, will be popping up for a lot of people all of a sudden. So, hi!

Kim is going back for Grand Prix this weekend to see some friends, I opted to stay home and get stuff done since I have put off a number of things for longer than I would like. I hope to tidy up the kitchen, update my server and possibly my desktop, I also have wanted to make this recipe for a while but have never had the chunk of time to work on it. I will probably try and spend Sunday going through the old code and hammer in some of the stuff and open source all of it.