
dominion progress 2

So I am adding a bit more to my progress log. I have started building up the structure for general game play. I currently enable the cards that can be played and have a rudimentary form of cards being played (this only is being done with Treasure cards) so I have a lot more to do in terms of playing action cards properly. On playing treasure cards, the amount of money to spend increases and the available supply cards are capable of being boughten (even though the buy doesn’t get processed yet, I just got as far as sending the message to the server). I probably won’t get to work on it any more this week, maybe I will do the buying tomorrow after Frisbee and dinner. So the next progress jump will probably happen sometime next week. My short term goal will be being ready to start testing an action card by next weekend, I will probably select a simple one like Village and then a more difficult one (e.g. one that does more than just increase Actions or Coins) like Workshop or Remodel. Then my final efforts will go to Attack cards like Militia and the Reaction cards like Moat. (The starter set is a good sample of various scenario cards) For now I just want the stuff to go through, I have a lot of styling to do after that. I will probably try and have the starter set working sometime in February with the game play being finished by the end. Testing would then begin with anyone I can get to volunteer. Then I can begin developing the rest of the Base deck cards and move on from there.

dominion progress

So I spent the past two days basically in a programming binge. I have been getting good work done on Dominion and wanted to spend a solid (read insane block) of time getting the stuff going. Up until recently, I had mostly been doing two projects, a frontend UI in fancy javascript and a python backend that handled the information related to gameplay. In this session of insanity, I have connected the communication and have finished passing the information and initializing the game. Next up, I get to work on actual gameplay. I will begin progressing through the stages of a regular turn. I am sticking with just the base “starter” cards (Cellar, Woodcutter, Village, Workshop, Remodel, Smithy, Market, Mine, Moat, and Militia). These should give a sampler for most of the basic things that can go on. Eventually I will begin slowly adding in various cards as I figure out how to implement them properly. Some seem especially difficult, such as Possession, and may take a while to be done. My target is March to be finished and I believe I am making good progress. I would say I am about 15% done for my goal (just the starter cards and possibly the base deck) even though I am making provisions for the various technicalities of the other mechanics (e.g. Duration). Now I am going to sleep, I haven’t gotten any sleep for probably 40 hours now…

new year

So I have neglected writing in this for ages. Some is just because I don’t have anything I really want to write about, but more so that I am lazy. I always try to make new years resolutions, looking back on last years is kind of hard. I said that I would improve my cooking, which I feel that I have somewhat. I don’t think I improved drastically, but I think I am a lot more comfortable doing different things. I know I did very little in terms of fixing up the site. I did spend time working on a new design, but beyond that, have done little in improving much. I do know the javascript is very nice :). I also failed horribly in writing more on here, if anything I wrote less, even when I was in Japan :(. I made no progress in learning Japanese. I have become healthier. I have stopped drinking sodas and eating fast food and my weight has dropped and stayed at 175 (versus 190). I also feel like I am a lot better in terms of athletics, I run faster and last longer, which has helped my Frisbee.

On to this years:

  • I hope to completely stop eating fast food and drinking soda this year. I know I have already started this, but I think it is a valid goal.
  • I have been working on a javascript version of Dominion for a bit and want to complete it this year. This would mean a full fledged version and not just something that works enough, but more of a production level product (as in no bugs and clean and intuitive interface).
  • I would like to write about the progress I make on that (I will try and start later this week on that effort). Along with the game progress, I would like to write more in general about stuff that is going on (and there are some big things on the horizon) in my world.

In other news, I am already spotting bugs in this code, which means I should devote some time away from Dominion and do some code clean up. I also have been told that the images take forever to load in the header and will have to look into that.