
what makes me happy

So I came to terms with the fact that I am easily attached to material goods a couple years ago. It has been a struggle to get over this for the past few years. I don’t easily detach myself from items, I see non-monetary value in things that make it difficult for me to get over the loss/separation of something. Things like the SD card with all my Wii saves on it, if it got corrupted or something, it would be tough to get over. But really, I rarely play Wii these days and it should have little value to me. Things like books that I haven’t read in ages and probably won’t read again are hard to part with. When I moved to Chicago last year, it was very therapeutic. I had something that would force me to part with a number of things. But I still see things piling up around me and I feel the need to figure out ways to minimize the things I am attached to.

My thought is that if my apartment were to be robbed or burn down, what things would I miss/wish I had with me. I know that clothes are easily forgotten and the furniture going only hurts the wallet. But what I struggle to lose are things that hold other value. The recipes I have written down/marked from trying out. The saved games for various video games. Source code I haven’t backed up yet. CDs with possibly important things on them. My goal for the next few months is to at least get some of these things moved into one of two piles, either safe guarded or tossed. Safe guarded in that they are digitally backed up and on my online backup. I have a stack of discs I need to go through and a pile of cookbooks/notecards to type out. I also need to clean up the code I have and figure out what I should version control and what goes in tarballs for the online backup.

I feel like I need to know and quantify the external things that make me happy. The stuff that I absolute, cannot live without. Kim asked me to list those things tonight, I came up with my laptop, phone, and Kindle. I would probably also include my desktop (for now). I am still continuing to try and backup the important things on it to somewhere else, to decrease the mental value of it. Probably the greatest value in it is all the time spent configuring and massaging the system to do what I want. That is often what keeps me from reformatting. Data is very hard for me to part with, like with how I want to delete entries for this journal, but I want to be able to archive a backup of them before I do (which is silly, it is not like I will suddenly get nostalgic about things I wrote). But the advantage of this, is it appeases the packrat in me without taking up any real space.

Inevitably, I hope to shrink down what I base my happiness on until it can fit in a backpack. Then I can take that with me whenever I travel and know that if my apartment burnt down, all I would lose is monetary value, which is replaceable (albeit at a cost).


So I migrated my new code in. In the process, I removed all of the old images, so the gallery is currently empty. I wanted to do this because the new process for building a gallery will need to be done for everything. There are still plenty of rough corners throughout this site, like the animation for sliding between pages pushes the bottom down a bit. shrug. I will spend some time the next few nights going through and cleaning up entries, functionality, and such. I have some stuff going on my laptop to help me store the stuff I don’t want anymore.

The RSS is broken, I will probably rewrite that stuff at some point (or not at all and just screw subscriptions for now). There are a number of things I need to do, but the design is here. I also have the move to nginx+gunicorn ongoing, I decided to work on those in the background so that I don’t risk hijacking the other sites hosted here. (The gunicorn stuff works, just need to hook that up to nginx and service everything). With this here, hopefully changes I work on will make it live on a regular basis (at least for a while). I will probably take some random breaks from improving this while I work on other projects I want to try.

But anyways, it is late and I will probably begin getting tired soon, so I am going to call it pretty for now. The next few weeks will see improvements as I go about trying to clean up the codebase (modular settings), Javascript implementation (tons here), and functionality. I will also take time to upload pictures (including many I have needed to upload for years JAPAN). My first project will probably be cleaning up the Journal though. I have plenty of old posts that really don’t fit in among my writing, and some outdated tags to get rid of. And updating everything to use the new markup.


I am almost done with all of the rewriting. It all exists on my laptop, but I have been taking some time off from working on it during my commute (burn out, heh). I am mostly through the gallery, I have a short TODO that I need to get at least somewhat through before I am happy with moving it to the real world. I mostly need to clean up some of the behaviors in the gallery and cover some of the cases I am not covering in my first iteration. Right now they just bomb suicidally :(.

In other news, we have everything (or almost everything) booked for Hawaii. Both hotels are now booked, as are flights, and arrangements are all made. Just need to book some rental cars and it should be all wrapped up. I still need to finish my taxes too :(. I should really put down a real life/long term TODO and wrap my thoughts all up. I will probably start cleaning up some old entries on this in the process I need to go through while cleaning up the old markup. I want to make this a bit less personal (as in some of the random entries should be scrapped and probably clean up some of the random tags/expand them with more posts).