
roller coaster day

So today has been quite a roller coaster. This morning, right before I was going to drag myself to work, I was called by a cop. He was calling to tell me that my car had been broken into over the night. I went down to talk to him and report what was stolen. (I am now without my beloved MP3 player) After talking to him, I went back upstairs to start making calls. I talked to my mom and arranged for her to pick me up so that I could use the extra car temporarily (we don’t have an extra car, my dad is just out of town). I called the office to tell them that I would be in much later, then I got to call my car insurance company (OH JOY!). I need to arrange a time to have a glass repair person come and fix the window. (The bastards broke the driver side too, so I can’t even man up and try to drive it to get it fixed) Needless to say, this morning sucked… I didn’t get into work until 2, an all time late for me and one that I hope to not repeat. Oddly enough, I was incredibly productive in the 4 hours I was there working and am almost done and ready to push this stuff out to the company we are integrating with (that is probably all I can say, maybe too much, but I don’t think many people actually read this). That is the end of the low part of the roller coaster.

After work, I was supposed to go play indoor ultimate for the new fall league. I had joined a team of kind of free agents who all were interested and we all just kind of played it like pick up. I hadn’t played in two months (mostly since I had only gotten my good glasses a week or so ago and did not want to try playing with shit ass eyesight) and was surprisingly good. I was throwing well and moving well. I feel really good about that and am looking forward to the fall league a lot more than the summer league, where I basically warmed the bench and felt like showing up was a waste of time. I also got to see that Adam Wainwright was pitching a 1 run 3 hit gem through the 8th inning and my beloved Cardinals had a 2-1 lead going into the ninth. The closer, Ryan Franklin, comes in and gets two solid outs, one out away… Matt Holliday drops a fly ball, basically losing the final out, and then Franklin lets the game go to hell, a horrid 3-2 hell where we lost the two games with the front running Cy Young candidates starting. This is going to take an amazing turn around for us to move on… (this whole end part is kind of a downer and was added randomly)

going live, hopefully

So I will hopefully have this live in the next day. I think I should be going to bed now, as it is way past a normal bed time for work… I have almost everything done, the front end is good for now (I plan on expanding it a lot more) and the back end stuff is almost all done. I just need to figure out a way to upload images and log in from a computer not on my home network =\ I also need to migrate my dad’s Wordpress files over and the database. That will have to occur after I get home tomorrow in the few hours I will be in the apartment, else this may not be visible until next Wednesday…

About that, I am going to be in Anaheim this weekend and the first half of next week. I will be there attending ASIS, its a large security trade show that I will be at for my company. It is usual to have new employees who haven’t seen the security industry to experience it through a large trade show. I am going to be going down to help set up the very elaborate booth we have and then spend two days demoing our software to potential customers. I will try to put a post up in that time, but it will really depend on either this being visible or my energy levels… (now lets see if this properly submits fingers crossed)


So I have neglected entering anything in this for a while, I am going to hide behind the fact that I hate trying to post to this over our crappy wireless at home, but that is only an okay excuse at best. I have been working the past two weeks (and two days now) doing JavaScript development for my company’s advanced interface. It is a web interface for a browser dependent attachment to our IP and Analog camera server software. I have been using the JQuery library (which I hope to later advance into this site more) and also designing the API for the JavaScript end using raw JavaScript. It has been a productive two weeks, but I am now in the period of complete overhaul, as I was beginning to realize how convoluted the “hack a feature on” strategy was making the code. I want to be able to use the code for other development off of this platform more, so hopefully this overhaul will be fruitful. I am about 50% through the overhaul, as I had to spend the past two work days installing a new OS on my computer because Vista took a crap. Hopefully this will be getting updated more, I plan on updating it more when I eventually get around to moving.

I am in the midst of pricing and contemplating buying a new computer. I would like to turn this older desktop (not too old) into a Linux machine that I can use for development, while also being able to use Windows and learn to develop on it too (since I am so unexperienced with it, as I learned this past week trying to develop in Vista). I then can use the Linux machine as my web server rather than the very old and very slow ClarkConnect box I am using now. The new computer will have an i7 CPU, because the architecture is just too good, that uses DDR3 RAM. I am still deciding on the Motherboard and the quantity of RAM, so I shall see.

I had to get a new phone plan as my family was moving on to bigger and better things (aka Verizon). I wanted a smartphone and based on the plans, available models, and networks available, I concluded on AT&T (it hasn’t really disappointed me yet) and have an iPhone (sadly I got it before the price cut, so I paid $100 too much). It is actually a very polished device, but I hopefully plan on moving to an Android phone in a few months, whenever AT&T gets a model and it seems polished enough. I think they are going to have one of the new “Rosie” UIs from HTC for theirs (Google it, its beautiful).

I will probably post again in the coming week to add more of the going-ons of my life. Don’t worry I am still sort of alive.