
engineering woes

So I am finishing up this report. I am realizing how much I still have to do this semester and really not looking forward to all of it. Some of it is probably due to the three exams next week that I really don’t feel like taking. I also am a large step behind in my Object-Oriented Programming course. But I have a feeling I can fly through that when I get around to crunching it all out. Hopefully tomorrow will give me plenty of time to burn on that course. I also should get around to starting to jump ahead on the next step of the processor design. It would be nice not having to crunch it all out in the last week. I will probably post the code or the compiled result of the programming assignments for anyone who wants to play with them. I really just want to get it all finished up soon. Try and enjoy some of my senior year =.

I find myself bored a lot these days. I don’t have much that keeps me entertained and I just end up resorting to homework. Some of it is due to the fact that I have eliminated many of the distractions that would usually get in the way, such as playing computer games which I have ultimately ignored the majority of my time this semester, which is nice. I have become engross with Kongregate, a social browser game site. But I am running out of games to play and beat. I have reached a level 10 in like two weeks, which is a sad symbol of my loserness =.

Oh well, I should get back to compiling the results of the processors now, this makes me want to lay down and wake up in a week.