
First Day

And the first day is over. Only the rest of my final year of school. sigh I was late for my first class too, like half an hour late. I didn’t get to sleep until 5, so I didn’t get much sleep. The class was ECE 462, its for object-oriented programming. It looks pretty fun, the projects are Breakout in Java and C++, Tetris in Java, Pac-Man in C++, and then some game using networking in either C++ or Java. I think I’ll enjoy it. The other class I had today was ECE 437, its called Computer Architecture and Prototyping, gosh, just saying that to people makes me feel smart. Basically all we will do in it is design a multi-core processor. It should be tough, but very beneficial. I have my two Psych classes tomorrow, the first is with Cray and Gerg.

My birthday is on Wednesday, I will be an old 22. gah. I should be implementing more to this site in the coming weeks. I hope to put the movies in and redevelop my RSS feed. Then probably clean up the gallery sorting and probably figure out something to do with the footer, if you have any ideas, please please leave a comment. I could also possibly try to make a Dtella facebook app. It would be interesting at the least.