
IR week is over

So I’ve finished IR week, it was quite a doozy. I spent three days preparing, attending, researching, and otherwise getting denied by companies to be hired. I just am not the greatest paper candidate for a job. I don’t have any intern experience, I don’t have a stellar GPA, but I think if I can ever get to an interview, I am a good candidate. Then Thursday and Friday I spent catching back up with homework that I neglected for the three days during IR. Then this weekend I got drunk on Saturday at breakfast club, slept through the tailgate and game, and then slacked off all day today. So it means I have a tough week ahead of me, but less interview denials. I hopefully will get it all done, with plenty of time of course (e_e). I have a lot on my plate, I should have worked today to get some of it done, but I just wanted to enjoy some of my week. Tomorrow will be devoted to my project, then I need to push in the lab exercise by Wednesday and then finish up the 437 lab by Friday morning. sigh I have been doing this for four years now, it doesn’t even scare me this time… God I’m getting old. I may even finish off the sorting menu for image galleries by the weekend, I have the fancy animated javascript almost done, its all done by hand too, fancy me!