
Leaving in a bit

Gosh, I leave for the airport in like 3 hours. Then I get to travel for around 20 hours until I finally arrive. sigh I wish it were a lot shorter, but the time is expected when I am going to travel halfway around the world. I shall be journaling my trip through this and hopefully be adding pictures I take to the gallery. I shall see how it turns out. I haven’t tested a lot of the things since I moved everything over to the new domain. Hopefully if anything is awry I will be able to fix it over in asian country. I still need to pack my carry on and a few other things.

Oh and this is the new design. I have added all the stuff that I planned on adding for the trip. I put in a kind of jankety modal image viewer, its that thing that zooms the image real close when you click on it. I plan on putting a better custom fitted one in at some point, but that will have to do for now. If you are ever curious, I put my partial to-do list in the footer since I felt weird having a footer that was empty, I figure I will build stuff into that in the near future. I tried to keep this design expandable and capable of being modified for things. Alright, I’m going to get out of bed now to try and get this list of things I shouldn’t forget together.