
Pipelined Processor

So I just got back from lab. My pipelined processor source works for all the files they gave us. A pipelined processor is processor optimized to run at higher clock speeds (the GHz or MHz values given for the processor). It is pretty rewarding to know that I can make a processor, the thing that runs a computer. Its also a headache to look and figure out the code. But I don’t think I will meet many people in my life who can say that they have made a working processor. We have to do a report next week after break is over and then make the caches and then turn it into a multi core processor. I need to do the hardware testing tomorrow, seeing if the source code on the computer can turn into a real version I can hold in my hands…

Fall break is this weekend. I get to spend the Saturday and Sunday at a frisbee tournament and then the Monday and Tuesday just chilling in Indy. It’s a good break coming in good time. I have to spend time catching up on my coding for my Object Oriented course. I’m mostly done with the general code for the Breakout game in between the Java and C++, I just need to transplant the rest of the code between the two languages. That will come after this 437 is done. Its a nice senior year I have to say. Nothing is daunting, after the past three years it seems like all of us have already been there and done that, so this workload isn’t even shocking or stressful. Now I am going to sleep a bit before class tomorrow…