

Yeah, I know its been a while since I last posted an entry. I have been busy. I am in the midst of senior design (we made a nice step last night: VIDEO ), a part-time job writing software, two work heavy classes, and the job search (still).
I get to stay pretty busy from all this and yet I enjoy what I do (for the most part). It is interesting, exciting, and fun. I am looking forward to the projects coming to completion, they are really neat. I still need to work more on the software that runs everything. Right now I have a rudimentary control on the motors (I need to clean it up and move it to the final code I am building), I am going to hopefully get working with the sensors this week and have them mapped out before break. Then I can get to the real work after I am back from break.

Speaking of break, we leave this Friday. I am going to have a “minor” surgery on Monday (a week from today) that should have me out for a day. Then on Wednesday I am going to Chicago with Kim for a few days. It will be a nice break (even though I will probably do some work while there, she will hate me for that too). Then I come back and begin the last weeks of my educational career.

I am supposed to hear back from two companies that I interviewed with in the next week or so. Hopefully I can start making some moves towards a career upon graduation (versus the current unemployment I am in) and put my degree to use. So fingers crossed that I have good news in the next few days.

Well, I need to go and head to lab to work on OS.