
more coding

I am on a coding spree. Since the last post, I have added tagging to the entry editor (I cannot remove tags yet though, need to figure that out, heh). I have also vastly improved the browser, now it has a button for deleting a post (this does not work, I have a better design for this system that will wait until after Friday and the server migration). I have also thrown together a weak form of security that will get overhauled after the server migration as well. (I should really put together a list of things to do on Friday when I do this move) The entry browser does filtering now, so it is no longer a mass of stuff, it can be looked through (I have an idea how to search it too :D ). I also have put together the tag summary card, need to move onto the tag editor interface, but that has not been designed yet. Then I will tackle the gallery stuff. I feel like I have missed a number of test cases and will be rewriting chunks of this when I get to that. Oh well, I feel good for today and sleep awaits, it is late zzz.