
new year

So I have neglected writing in this for ages. Some is just because I don’t have anything I really want to write about, but more so that I am lazy. I always try to make new years resolutions, looking back on last years is kind of hard. I said that I would improve my cooking, which I feel that I have somewhat. I don’t think I improved drastically, but I think I am a lot more comfortable doing different things. I know I did very little in terms of fixing up the site. I did spend time working on a new design, but beyond that, have done little in improving much. I do know the javascript is very nice :). I also failed horribly in writing more on here, if anything I wrote less, even when I was in Japan :(. I made no progress in learning Japanese. I have become healthier. I have stopped drinking sodas and eating fast food and my weight has dropped and stayed at 175 (versus 190). I also feel like I am a lot better in terms of athletics, I run faster and last longer, which has helped my Frisbee.

On to this years:

  • I hope to completely stop eating fast food and drinking soda this year. I know I have already started this, but I think it is a valid goal.
  • I have been working on a javascript version of Dominion for a bit and want to complete it this year. This would mean a full fledged version and not just something that works enough, but more of a production level product (as in no bugs and clean and intuitive interface).
  • I would like to write about the progress I make on that (I will try and start later this week on that effort). Along with the game progress, I would like to write more in general about stuff that is going on (and there are some big things on the horizon) in my world.

In other news, I am already spotting bugs in this code, which means I should devote some time away from Dominion and do some code clean up. I also have been told that the images take forever to load in the header and will have to look into that.

long time, no write

So it has been some time since I have last overcome my negligence in writing in this. I definitely slacked on writing about the trip to Japan, one entry that left out over 50% of the trip is bad. I am just going to use this entry to kind of summarize what I slacked on entering for the past two months (god that really is a long time :O!). I also have a TON of pictures to post, I took a lot in Japan and then brought my camera to two ultimate tournaments. So here goes the timeline:

  • In Japan, I visited Shibuya, Shinjuku, Yokohama, Ikebukuro, Tokyo University, Shinagawa, Odaiba, Ginza, Asakusa, Ueno, and probably a number I am forgetting. I got to see a Japanese baseball game (pictures to be posted), tried a lot of delicious food, and got to see a lot of the city. I already can’t wait to go back.
  • After returning, Kim stayed with me for two weeks and it was nice having company whenever I got home. It is also very nice to make food for people. My mom and dad even came over for dinner one night (I made steak and mashed potatoes).
  • I turned 24, it is not much of a milestone. I just felt the same. I did want to get myself something as a gift, but couldn’t think of anything. I figure I will treat myself to something later…
  • I went to CHC (Chicago Heavyweights Championships), which is a large midwest tournament for ultimate in Naperville. We went 1-5, but contended very well in most games. It was a nice weekend of ultimate.
  • I attended a wedding in Vincennes for one of my second cousins. It was nice seeing that side of the family (for the first time in four years >_>). I went with my mom and sister and it was nice to just see Vincennes as more of a tourist than just sitting around a house.
  • I attended the mixed sectionals tournament for ultimate. It was in Rockford, IL. We didn’t win any, but we played well in a number of games. It was a sad end to a season, but we definitely were playing a lot better than when we started.

I have a TON of pictures to post from Japan and two tournaments. I need to go through since these are all at a higher res than I think my old web server can handle. I also need to clean up and pick the pictures to put on here. I need to also make an effort to try and caption all of them, since it kind of sucks not knowing what you are seeing. I also want to try and use goodreads to track the books I am reading/have read/want to read. So that may get added to the site at some point. Hopefully, it won’t be another two months until I post again.

2 years

So two days ago at midnight (2/1 @ 0:00) my girlfriend and I reached our 2 year milestone. It has been a short 2 years and I really don’t see an end coming. It is almost weird that 2 years can feel so short and I almost feel like I am taking it for granted, because I just feel like there are a lot more years to come. I feel weird dwelling on it, I just like thinking about all that lies ahead for us. I love you sweetheart.

In other news… I have recently begun a possible redesign of this site. I will hopefully get a good chunk of it worked on through this week and toss it up sometime. I am still in the midst of mocking it up, but I am hopeful to have something together in the next week and have it usable by the time I go to New York with my girlfriend in March. I am also in the midst of planning a trip to Japan with my friend Devin. I am now able to save money primarily from my paychecks as I am all caught up on necessities for my apartment (or most of, I still need to get bedding). I also just finally updated my Windows 7 from RC to RTM, so it isn’t going to die in a month or whatever it is. I will probably spend a few hours now trying to polish off a mockup, but I doubt I will get it to a point where I am happy tonight, but hopefully sometime this week.