

So I haven’t updated this in ages (like 3 weeks…) and I hit the button in my bookmarks toolbar and realized that I’ve grown tired of the design. I’m also getting up the energy to stand up and sit on my bed to work. I probably will get around to redesigning this sometime, I have an idea mocked up on paper, which means little since my ability to recreate paper concepts on my computer is very limited, but we shall see. It looks good in my head, still very simple and I’ve gotten a few different techniques to try with it.

Anyhow, I’ve been busy with classes. Senior design has consumed a lot of my free time along with my part-time job. I’m already on my second task and pretty far into it, it’s pretty neat and I think I will implement another neat feature that will make it even neater for now. For our senior design project, we have settled on a quad-rotor. You can follow it here: LINK. I am the one updating the site mostly, hopefully in the coming weeks I will add pictures. I will probably end up mirroring all of them here anyways. I also am getting back into Java and undertaking Operating Systems. I have confidence I should do fine in both courses, I just need them to get rolling.

I’ve been enjoying going out and doing things with friends (mostly Devin and Dave). We have visited Chumley’s twice and then the other day we played Edward Fortyhands and had a very fun time. Nothing really matches the absurdity and entertainment you get from doing everything with two giant bottles of beer taped to your hands, well almost nothing. Try it sometime, petting the cat… with a forty taped to your hand, standing up from your chair… with a forty taped to your hand, scratching your arm… with a forty taped to your hand, opening a door… okay you get the idea I hope.

Well, I’m going back to Java, my good old friend… for now.

dead week

So its dead week. That means stuffs going down and coming to an end. I have finals in all four of my classes. Spread randomly across next week. I have to deal with the grades coming out this week and finding out my fate in the classes I am taking. I have a report still to do tomorrow and then I begin with my first psych course. sigh I am going to spend some time this week and next going through all my drives and reorganizing and renaming all the files, something I have desperately needed to do for a year or two. Then I can go through the program files and try to clear space up. Then I can hopefully put Windows on this small computer I have and hook it up to the TV, so I can play computer video on the TV, along with trying to play ROMs on it and such. That will probably be done after break however. I also need to find some time to sit down and wrap up Duck Hunt, then I will probably post pictures of it and also record a video for the professor in that course demonstrating my project. I also have been working through ideas for a redesign of this site. I drew one idea up that looked good in photoshop, but recreating it in HTML and CSS has brought up sub-par results. I will probably be adding entries from Hawaii, but that depends on my access to the internet and if I can keep this server running over break. I may end up dragging it home with me to keep it going, we shall see…

I should probably get back to work on my report. I will probably be adding a lot more entries this coming week as I procrastinate.

free time at last

I have just finished my third exam and finally have some free time beyond school, at least hopefully. I have been entertaining trying another design, even though it probably won’t be used for a while, I just want to have something in the works for whenever I get bored of this one. I realized that I really don’t update the gallery at all. I plan on dragging my camera around campus for a while taking pictures of the places I frequent. Like my room, labs, campus in general. I will probably procrastinate some of my programming this weekend by either coding and styling the movie section or by trying to set up the MythBuntu on the mythTV box.

I have already began thinking about and semi planning my life after college. I am pretty sure I will be getting a smart phone, and unless some big, nice, new smart phone comes out before then, I’m leaning towards the HTC Touch something (there are a few versions) or the Samsung Omnia. I also have thought about and am sure I will build a new computer eventually after graduating. Then I would probably turn this tower into something, I’m thinking a Linux file server, and possibly move the web server over to it. Not sure though. I do want to bring the two monitors over to the new one and add some big LCD to it, like 30 inches or 24. I figure I won’t do a whole lot more with my money beyond get a basic

apartment and buy food. Oh well, I’m going out to drink at the cactus tonight