
Fuji-san Tomorrow

This is coming a bit late from my one every two days schedule, but here it goes. Two days ago, we went to Asakusa, which is known for the large Buddhist temple at the end of a long shopping stall street. We browsed around the shops for a while and then saw the shrine. We couldn’t find English translations for the fortunes so didn’t get any since I wouldn’t be able to understand if I got a good one or a bad one. When you get bad fortunes there are large racks to tie them to so that you can keep away the bad fortune. We walked back and I bought some headbands that are typical of Japanese culture, they have the symbols for “victory” or “hissho” and “pass in school” or “gohkaku”. I then got some postcards that I need to fill out and mail soon. I also got some Japanese soft-serve ice cream, they call it “soft cream”. I picked the rose flavor just to be adventurous. Kim chose mango. I have a picture of the flavors in the gallery (or will add it soon). Afterwards, we traveled back to Kawasaki and I got to see a 100 yen store (thats the equivalent of a dollar store in the states). We finally went to a Japanese restaurant in Landmark tower (the tallest building in Japan) where I had Sashimi on sushi rice (this included raw octopus, scallops, tuna, and salmon) and then had some more Ice cream, this time at Cold Stone.

Yesterday was a stay-in day. Everyone has been walking around so much that it felt good to just relax. Kim and I met her friend Lily for dinner at this udon place in Minato Mirai, but she had to leave soon after to talk to her serious boyfriend. We then walked back to her apartment (Kim’s that is) and stopped by Osanbashi pier, where I got some good photos of the Yokohama skyline at night. I found a new favorite setting on my camera that holds for some time to overexpose the light, giving a dull gray sky a very vibrant color. I have used this on many of my nights shots since.

Today, we went to Odaiba, its a recently developed area of Tokyo where they have many new and nice looking buildings. We took the monorail through to the end and then stopped in Aomi where the Toyota showroom is. We looked around some and then headed to Daiba, where Kim and I explored the mall for a few hours. We finally headed back to Shimbashi where we walked through Ginza. It’s the big area that reminds me a lot of Fifth Avenue. Lots of big flagship stores for many recognizable names. A very glitzy and expensive strip of road. We finally headed back and stopped at Kawasaki to have dinner, Kim’s mom and I each had two beers along with dinner and then we finally headed back to here. I have a small glass of plum sake waiting for me in the fridge, that I am going to have when Kim gets out of the shower.

Also, I will add captions when I get home cough (KIM) cough because it is too difficult to do major coding over the internet using SSH. But if you have any questions about the photos, just message me in some way and I can tell you about it. Also, just click the thumbnail and it should enlarge to full size, I have tested it on Firefox 3 and IE 7, so get up to date on those.

Leaving in a bit

Gosh, I leave for the airport in like 3 hours. Then I get to travel for around 20 hours until I finally arrive. sigh I wish it were a lot shorter, but the time is expected when I am going to travel halfway around the world. I shall be journaling my trip through this and hopefully be adding pictures I take to the gallery. I shall see how it turns out. I haven’t tested a lot of the things since I moved everything over to the new domain. Hopefully if anything is awry I will be able to fix it over in asian country. I still need to pack my carry on and a few other things.

Oh and this is the new design. I have added all the stuff that I planned on adding for the trip. I put in a kind of jankety modal image viewer, its that thing that zooms the image real close when you click on it. I plan on putting a better custom fitted one in at some point, but that will have to do for now. If you are ever curious, I put my partial to-do list in the footer since I felt weird having a footer that was empty, I figure I will build stuff into that in the near future. I tried to keep this design expandable and capable of being modified for things. Alright, I’m going to get out of bed now to try and get this list of things I shouldn’t forget together.

New Design

I have been “secretly” designing a new design for when I move to a new domain. The design is done for the main journal format. I hope to have the gallery at least finished by the time I go to Japan, else the striped design will have to do for the gallery. I shall buy the new domain at the end of the week (after I am done with working this week) and then move the design and code to the new domain. This design is one I really like. I will probably be tweaking it often over the next few months as I test it and try to polish it off for a long term use. I probably will at least change the background as it is pretty generic and easily changed.

In other news, I am going to Japan in less than a week to see my wonderful girlfriend. I bought a Zune last week. It is really nice, I have really enjoyed the UI and control scheme. I began netcasting (podcasting, but without the iPod) the other week and have found a number of nice casts to follow, if anyone knows of other good ones I should give a try, tell me. I now have my music source for the trip, I activated my credit card so that I have an avenue for money if necessary. I have confirmed with my debit carrier that I will be in Japan and have requested some Yen. I just need to pack everything up and I shall be ready to go. It seems like my summer is ending already, when I have a good 4 weeks left.

Gosh, school begins soon. I will be entering my senior year, meaning lots of work, but lots of fun. I’ve got to start hunting for jobs also. It scares me to be getting ready to make the final step in growing up. Then I will be paying my rent, paying my bills, handling all the stuff without anyone to lean back on. I get to find out what all is ahead of me soon. sigh I should probably get ready to nap before another overnight.