
new digs

So on Friday, I migrated my server from using Ubuntu 10.04 as the OS to Arch Linux. Even though Arch is not a distro aimed at stability, it is the distro I live in normally. I have grown to like a lot of the features of the OS (mostly that it doesn’t try to change the normal conventions of Linux) and it is much easier to work in because of this vanilla base. I am hoping to move some newer things into the site over time, like using LESS as the basis for my CSS. The Django stuff now uses WSGI and I may move from Apache to NGINX in time. I am going to try and fix up the Journal side of the admin stuff and then try to move onto rewriting the frontend of the site. I don’t know about redesigning it, but I will try and clean up a lot of the code base. I also need to move to using markdown in all my entries. That may be a project for next weekend.

In other news, we got our wedding bands this past weekend, so all that is left for us is to book the hotels and flights. The Grammy’s were last night (it was pretty weak IMHO) but I did discover a good band. It is this British folk band called Mumford & Sons, I have been listening to their album for the majority of the day, becoming quite the fan. Anyways, hopefully I can get to the frontend of this later this week.

more coding

I am on a coding spree. Since the last post, I have added tagging to the entry editor (I cannot remove tags yet though, need to figure that out, heh). I have also vastly improved the browser, now it has a button for deleting a post (this does not work, I have a better design for this system that will wait until after Friday and the server migration). I have also thrown together a weak form of security that will get overhauled after the server migration as well. (I should really put together a list of things to do on Friday when I do this move) The entry browser does filtering now, so it is no longer a mass of stuff, it can be looked through (I have an idea how to search it too :D ). I also have put together the tag summary card, need to move onto the tag editor interface, but that has not been designed yet. Then I will tackle the gallery stuff. I feel like I have missed a number of test cases and will be rewriting chunks of this when I get to that. Oh well, I feel good for today and sleep awaits, it is late zzz.

admin rewrite

Alright, I have just finished up the first working version of the administrative side rewrite for my webpage (I am going to disable it after this as there is no security yikes). This has been a project for me the past few weeks as I have used it as a chance to really test the growth I have had with Javascript and programming since the initial writing of this webpage. I have learned a lot about good design and have adopted a number of ideals with version control, software design (this uses a bunch of independent interfaces rather than some messy, hacked together mess), and standards (?). I have a lot more to do (there is no gallery control yet and these posts don’t get tagged) including moving to using markdown for the entry markup rather than my crappy personal one (which means going through and fixing all the old entries that use it). I also want to clean up all the old Django code (which I looked at a few days ago and cringed). I am keeping all this stuff on my github page (the webpage will exist in private for a while as I continue to clean up the security), but I will put two of the modules I wrote for the admin side into public repos, just need to clean out some of the stuff.

I will be moving the backend server to Arch this Friday (I took the day off) so that I can be a bit more active on the server itself (I have become a lot more fluent in Linux since moving to Chicago). I will hopefully write some more now (especially to test some of the new changes). It is getting a bit late right now and I am at a stopping point with all of this working. Maybe I will get a screen shot up of this sometime, or maybe I will move the front facing side to something based on this in the future (this uses ideas I have floated around for a while, I showed Kim, I think she finds it snazzy :P). I have written this post 3 times in testing, but this is my favorite version (probably because I know everything works this time).