
First Day

And the first day is over. Only the rest of my final year of school. sigh I was late for my first class too, like half an hour late. I didn’t get to sleep until 5, so I didn’t get much sleep. The class was ECE 462, its for object-oriented programming. It looks pretty fun, the projects are Breakout in Java and C++, Tetris in Java, Pac-Man in C++, and then some game using networking in either C++ or Java. I think I’ll enjoy it. The other class I had today was ECE 437, its called Computer Architecture and Prototyping, gosh, just saying that to people makes me feel smart. Basically all we will do in it is design a multi-core processor. It should be tough, but very beneficial. I have my two Psych classes tomorrow, the first is with Cray and Gerg.

My birthday is on Wednesday, I will be an old 22. gah. I should be implementing more to this site in the coming weeks. I hope to put the movies in and redevelop my RSS feed. Then probably clean up the gallery sorting and probably figure out something to do with the footer, if you have any ideas, please please leave a comment. I could also possibly try to make a Dtella facebook app. It would be interesting at the least.

Back at the due

This will be long, so get a cold drink and get ready to relax.

I got back from my trip to Japan on Tuesday (two Tuesdays ago) the 11th. It was a long flight and it didn’t help that Kim’s mother basically gave me the cold shoulder for the entire trip. It was nice to get home and see my family. They were all there to meet me at the airport. I went back and promptly got changed to go with my dad to a dedication party at the new Colt’s Stadium. It is really impressive. Large, spacious, and it looks very nice. I forgot my ID though, so I was getting the free beer from family friends who offered their services, it was weird getting alcohol through third parties when I am legal. shrug

I worked for a few days after getting back, but stopped early because the hours were being cut and I didn’t want to take hours just for extra money from people who live off of the pay. Finishing up was odd though, it may be the last time I work at Target, after 4 years of it being my main place of employment. I will oddly miss it.

I focused on packing and getting things ready the next few days, all culminating into my shipping to Purdue yesterday. It was a surprisingly smooth move in. We came a day early and because of that, there were no crowds. I went and got the parking permit, moved everything up and we got the carpet laid down all fairly quickly. I then went out and had sushi with Kim and then dropped her off at her hotel. Then today I waited around putting stuff up in my room and waiting for Kim to call when she was going to move in, I offered to help and she said she was going to take me up on that offer. But instead I just found out they didn’t want my help and I guess I will talk to her tonight sometime. shrug So much for wasting a day around the dorm when i could have gone and visited friends.

Well so begins my final year of schooling. It’s been a long 16ish years of school thus far, but this final year is going to be different. Hopefully I will have time to keep updating this and possibly add on to the site, I have some ideas and have been working the code to make it easy to develop these ideas.

New Design

I have been “secretly” designing a new design for when I move to a new domain. The design is done for the main journal format. I hope to have the gallery at least finished by the time I go to Japan, else the striped design will have to do for the gallery. I shall buy the new domain at the end of the week (after I am done with working this week) and then move the design and code to the new domain. This design is one I really like. I will probably be tweaking it often over the next few months as I test it and try to polish it off for a long term use. I probably will at least change the background as it is pretty generic and easily changed.

In other news, I am going to Japan in less than a week to see my wonderful girlfriend. I bought a Zune last week. It is really nice, I have really enjoyed the UI and control scheme. I began netcasting (podcasting, but without the iPod) the other week and have found a number of nice casts to follow, if anyone knows of other good ones I should give a try, tell me. I now have my music source for the trip, I activated my credit card so that I have an avenue for money if necessary. I have confirmed with my debit carrier that I will be in Japan and have requested some Yen. I just need to pack everything up and I shall be ready to go. It seems like my summer is ending already, when I have a good 4 weeks left.

Gosh, school begins soon. I will be entering my senior year, meaning lots of work, but lots of fun. I’ve got to start hunting for jobs also. It scares me to be getting ready to make the final step in growing up. Then I will be paying my rent, paying my bills, handling all the stuff without anyone to lean back on. I get to find out what all is ahead of me soon. sigh I should probably get ready to nap before another overnight.