
2 years

So two days ago at midnight (2/1 @ 0:00) my girlfriend and I reached our 2 year milestone. It has been a short 2 years and I really don’t see an end coming. It is almost weird that 2 years can feel so short and I almost feel like I am taking it for granted, because I just feel like there are a lot more years to come. I feel weird dwelling on it, I just like thinking about all that lies ahead for us. I love you sweetheart.

In other news… I have recently begun a possible redesign of this site. I will hopefully get a good chunk of it worked on through this week and toss it up sometime. I am still in the midst of mocking it up, but I am hopeful to have something together in the next week and have it usable by the time I go to New York with my girlfriend in March. I am also in the midst of planning a trip to Japan with my friend Devin. I am now able to save money primarily from my paychecks as I am all caught up on necessities for my apartment (or most of, I still need to get bedding). I also just finally updated my Windows 7 from RC to RTM, so it isn’t going to die in a month or whatever it is. I will probably spend a few hours now trying to polish off a mockup, but I doubt I will get it to a point where I am happy tonight, but hopefully sometime this week.


So its the new year (and 2 weeks in because I am lazy) and I get to look forward to another year of my life. I will turn 24 this year (in August), I will reach my first year at my job, I will have been with my girlfriend 2 years in February and almost 3 by the end of the year, and I will hopefully accomplish some goals. Goals… I always try and not state them because a week later they will be different, but I think I have an idea of some that can be sustained all year. So lets start them out…

  • Improve my cooking, I have started trying to become better at cooking since about September as I have felt that my health could use not eating hamburger helper every night. I have since started cooking other things, but I still rely heavily on finding some recipe and getting the ingredients ahead of time. I also remain limited in my abilities and would like to become a little more experienced in various types of food so that I won’t be so nervous cooking for others (Kim).
  • Fix this site up some, I have been thinking of various things to add to this site, but have refrained from jumping on something before I am certain of what I want to do. I recently discussed a thought I have had for a while about adding an “Article” or “Essay” section where I would put more “Blog” like posts about things beyond things I do in my life. I have also thought of expanding some of the functionality, but that would require more creativity on my part. And if possible, I would like to post on here more often, it would probably improve with an article section, but I would also like to start talking about the regular occurrences in my life.
  • Learn some Japanese(?), I have wanted to learn Japanese for a while and have made little bursts of effort, but I have not been able to commit to it. Most of the effort has been in little moments that got mashed up in my transition to my new home. So now that I have settled down more, I would hope to commit so much time a week to studying and learning the language. I have heard tentative plans to travel to Japan sometime in the next year or so and I would love to have some background in the language (though very limited) by then.
  • Become healthier, this has been a goal for a while and I think I have done a decent job, but I know that I need to make a better effort to accomplish this. I have tried to eat healthier, work out some, and build up better habits. I still need to improve my eating some (see above) and I should try and work out more than just when Frisbee comes around (though I do have Winter league coming up and Summer league this summer). So I will try and go to the apartment complex’s gym and do regular exercises here.

I know that I am forgetting some stuff, but these are the things that I think are definite goals I will aim for through the year (beyond just a few weeks as is often the case) and will hopefully accomplish to some degree… So Happy New Year!

long overdue

Okay, this is a very overdue entry and will have a ton of stuff left out probably… So I’m going to bang right through a number of things that have gone on since the last entry… I went to Boston on a business trip, it was interesting to be frank. Kim came down here for Thanksgiving. I bought a couch, a vacuum cleaner, and get my coffee table on Wednesday. I have continued working and my major project is rolling out in the next month-ish (?) so I have a lot I need to polish at work over the next few weeks. Christmas is coming up and I still need to finish my shopping. I am cooking for myself and will probably upload photos from my experience sometime. The fall frisbee season ends this week and winter league begins in January. I’m going up to Purdue on Friday to pick Kim up and bring her down for the office Holiday party on Saturday. The Colts are 13-0 and I got to see them become 12-0. I have been trying a ton of different beers, maybe I will set up a photo of all the bottles I have collected thus far. My dad’s birthday is today and I am going out with my parents to celebrate that. I would talk about his gift on here but I know he is one of the few people who occasionally read it (even though I update it so infrequently, but I am going to make it my resolution to update more often). Kim and I have been dating for 22 months and a handful of days. I am eyeing toys that I will probably get around to buying now that I am pretty caught up in apartment necessities. And that concludes the random, fast paced, montage that I have neglected writing about for a while…