
home tomorrow

So I shall be going home tomorrow (more like later today). I am not sure if I will be sleeping tonight or how long it may be. But I am looking forward to getting home and seeing my family and home. This will be among the last days I will be sleeping in that house when it is my home. This May I should be moving out and becoming gasp an adult. sigh I am sadly not prepared mentally for it just yet. I still want to enjoy parts of life a little more. I am not sure I feel completely ready to make that step for super responsibility. I am sure I will be come May, but knowing that my life is going to make that transition to being an adult is tough, because I can never go back. I may not want to, but being apprehensive is natural I guess. Oh well, I plan on raiding my parent’s music collection when I get home. I’ve fallen into more of a classic but great rock stage. I am currently listening to some Elvis Costello, and will probably go through and pick some more bands to put into my circulation… I haven’t really expanded my music collection much these past two years… I really need to try and stretch my legs again, I’m getting old and sticking to the same old stuff and not being young and musically adventurous any more :3. Well, I should get back to coding, I have to try and get a big chunk of coding done tonight and tomorrow so that my next two weeks isn’t complete and utter hell, just a milder, lighter, low-calorie form of hell.


So I’ve been working the past week and probably will be working the next week as well. I basically built the base of Pac Man the past three days, I will have to get Breakout ready for Greg and polish off the other projects in the next few days. Then I just have to do the labs and the final project, which may mean I have a long night on Thursday of next week =. I still need to sit down and work out the last of the multi-core and hopefully get points for that. At some point in all this, I need to get shit together for Senior Design. But then I enter my final semester and in May I will be a Computer Engineer. sigh

I will probably post the finished Pac Man and Tetris in the next week or so, it depends on when we finish it and when I get around to deciding if I want to try and compile it into an exe or what =. At least the Java I can just make a jar… (nerd speak ends here). These projects are fun, I enjoy the challenge of finding an innovative and expandable way of implementing the games and then being able to add my own improvements and additional functionality. Like with Pac Man, I added wrapping a few hours ago, wrapping is what I call it when PacMan runs off one side of the screen and comes back in on the other side. It was kind of exciting, in a nerdy way.

I get to go in and talk to Exacq on Wednesday, I hope that goes well. I find them interesting and it looks like a fun place to work. I’ll have to put work on hold for a bit Tuesday night so that I can get some sleep before and not go in a zombie. I will probably get the big chunks of work in during the next day or two, get 462 almost done. Well, I better get back to code crunching =\

senior design whoas

So senior design requires that we have teams set up and basically show we have a grasp of what the class entails. That being said, we have 6 people that need to form into 4 person teams. If you are having trouble doing the math, it means we need to split into two teams and find two more people ((6 + 2 people)/4 people/team = 2 teams*4 people) (okay I put more effort into that than I should have >_>). So we just met, the 6 of us, and basically threw around ideas and thoughts and have come to some realizations: + We won’t find any idea that everyone is excited about doing that is also easy or feasible to accomplish.

  • Greg and Cray both admit they plan on being the deadbeat of the group T_T.
  • It’s going to be a long semester…

The current team I am on is preliminarily Peter, myself, and Gerg. We are possibly doing the glove. The glove idea entails tracking the positions of fingers on both hands in a spatial sense and sending the positions to a computer to do whatever it wants with it, like interpret gestures into inputs from the keyboard or mouse. We shall see where this goes.

In other news, I am in the midst of waiting for responses from a few companies that I have talked to and interviewed with. I have lost some of the drive I always start off with and am really ready to get this semester wrapped up. I am just worn out from all the crap this all entails. I wanna go sit on a beach in Hawaii and not worry about anything for a bit. We shall see if I can survive to that…